For businesses incorporated in any jurisdiction, irrespective of being EU, EEA countries and/or OECD member states.
If you do not want to liquidate your company due to tax, contractual or commercial reasons and wish to migrate to Malta to carry on your activities within more favourable Maltese jurisdiction, our experts may help you with this; the process is called company redomiciliation or continuation.
Advantages of redomiciliation to Malta:
- Transferring a foreign company to Malta without liquidating means that the migrating company would retain all of its rights, assets, liabilities it had in its original country of registration;
- Exemption from duty on documents – there are no set-up taxes in Maltafor migrated companies;
- Access to Malta’s double taxation agreements – Malta has more than 70 tax treaties currently in force;
- Access to Malta’s participation exemption regime and tax refund system;
- Access to EU Directives;
- Possibility to benefit from generous “step-up” clauses of the Income Tax Act, to allow the market value of the assets held by the company being redomiciled to Malta become the tax base of the same assets. This provision is hugely beneficial and could allow significant tax savings.
We guarantee you full accounting and legal support: