Griffiths + Associates has a team of qualified Certified Public Accountants who are geared towards international business, fully knowledgeable in providing the necessary accounting services.
We use the UK-based software Access Dimensions as the main accounting software that allows bespoke reporting and integration with third party software to enable clients to receive timely and tailor-made reports for their business.
If you’re struggling to keep on top of local and overseas tax law, accounting, and auditing requirements, remove your worry abd consider outsourcing. We can provide a means of reducing your administrative burden, freeing you to concentrate on growing your business.
Outsourcing services
from Malta Accountants (CPA):
Led by director Anton Magro, our team of qualified Certified Public Accountants is able to deliver full array of accounting services:
- Maintenance of the accounting records on an ongoing basis in accordance with Maltese legislation and IFRS;
- Maintenance of creditors and debtors ledgers;
- Maintenance of the fixed asset register;
- Preparation of bank and other reconciliations;
- Liaising with statutory institutions and external auditors;
- Assisting in the preparation of budgets;
- Preparing management accounts which include an income statement, statement of financial position and cash-flow on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annual basis;
- Preparing annual Financial Statements as per statutory requirements.
Indirect Tax Services
One way or another, a large part of everyday transactions involves indirect taxes – VAT, customs duties, eco-contributions. The world of indirect taxes is complex and changing at a very fast speed, which needs specialists knowledgeable with the knowhow and experience to service a client operating internationally.
Our indirect tax services include:
- Duty on documents and transfers;
- International trade advisory – customs and excise duties;
- VAT advisory;
- VAT compliance: our VAT team will assist in the process of VAT registration, as well as on-going VAT compliance including any necessary VAT refund application in terms of the 8th VAT Directive, Mini-One Stop Shop (“MOSS”) registration and filing requirements, as well as regular completion and filing of the Recapitulative Statements.
We will also deal, on behalf of the client, with the VAT Department in Malta in the event of any dispute or investigation.
Back-Office Services
We take over the daunting operations of the day-to-day a client might have, and handle the necessary invoicing, bank payment operations, and related daily reporting to allow a client to focus on getting the business and consolidating new business leads.
Clients are allocated specific direct contact persons in our firm who will be tasked in handling the back-office services in a timely fashion.
VAT Returns
VAT law is invariably a complex world to navigate especially in the realm of international transactions, in or outside the European Union.
Knowing the correct VAT treatment of a transaction or series of transactions would require a specialised team of persons with the necessary skills and experience in preparing the relative VAT returns and also accompanying recapitulative statements.
The latter are to be filed for any intra-community supplies or services where the place of supply is in another E.U. member state.
Our VAT team is specialised in preparing the necessary returns in order to keep a VAT-registered person compliant with VAT laws and regulations.
Payroll Services
Need assistance with Payroll Administration?
With us, you can focus solely on your business goals, without having to worry about the complexities of payroll management.
Our dedicated team is knowledgeable and experienced in providing payroll services from cradle to grave, including the licensing requirements for engaging a new employee, on-going salary computations, payslips, tax/social security contributions and employment termination.
Corporate Tax Computation
Arriving at the tax base on which to calculate ones dues in taxes, requires skill and knowledge on the respective tax laws applicable.
Our team of Certified Public Accountants are knowledgeable in the various aspects of what is taxable, what is deductible, and the methodologies which allow one to arrive at the taxable income.
Company Liquidation & Dissolution
Our team of professionals can aid at every step throughout the liquidation process:
– Appointment of independent Liquidator and Auditor.
– Preparation and submission of the following forms to the Malta Business Registry to put the company into liquidation:
• Notice of a resolution for dissolution and consequential voluntary winding up form B (1).
• Declaration of solvency signed by the directors of the company – form B (2).
• Signed by the liquidator – form L.
– Publishing a notice in the daily newspaper.
– Settlement of all receivables and payables; disposal of any assets.
– Confirmation with the local tax and VAT department that there are no financial obligations with them.
– Closing off the Company’s bank accounts.
– Formulation of liquidation accounts, from liquidation date till the date of distribution.
– Preparing of liquidation audit and a final scheme of distribution.
– Preparation and submission of final Tax Return.
– Obtaining clearance from Commissioner for Revenue.
– Application with MBR for strike-off the company’s name from the Registrar.