Kristen Schembri | Administrative Assistant

Kristen SchembriAdministrative Assistant

About Kristen Schembri:

Kristen is the face that greets you in our offices.

She has been working with Griffiths + Associates Ltd since 2013, as an Administrative Assistant.

Being her first job within the financial services, it initially took her by surprise, however with her can do attitude she was always very enthusiastic and motivated to learn and assimilate new things.

Apart from front office duties, Kristen also handles the companies invoicing, and a multitude of clients’ diverse needs such as payments, ship registrations and much more.

One thing that Kristen loves about her job is that every client has different requirements which makes her role more intriguing.

When she is not working with numbers at the office one can find Kristen doing what she loves most, cooking vegetarian food and taking good care of her plants.

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