Denise Formosa | Griffiths + Associates

Denise FormosaAdministrative Assistant

Denise Formosa | Administrative Assistant Griffiths + Associates

About Denise Formosa:

Denise is the person that welcomes you at our offices.

She graduated from the University of Malta with a Bachelor’s degree with Honours in Arts in 2004. Her area of specialization is English. After graduating, she started her career as an English teacher.

Since her secondary area of specialization is Communications, she also worked as a journalist in the Editorial Department with one of the leading newspapers on the island.

During her journalistic experience, she was also appointed Editor of various magazines.

Denise also has several years of experience in the Educational Administrative sector.

One thing that Denise loves is meeting people.

Griffiths & Associates has an extensive clientele and since every client has different requirements, this makes her role more intriguing.

As an Administrative Assistant, she also provides administrative support to the Directors and every task which is required by the company is carried out in a professional manner.

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